Angels Stand In Awe

When you make that glorious entry
To that city bright and fair
And when you've seen your Savior,
You know He's waiting there.

When you've knelt before Him
A hundred thousand years or so
Then you start your search
For the friends you used to know

I'll be there, my voice blended
With that choir around the throne
There'll be no angels singing
For they won't know the song.

We'll sing about the Lamb's own blood
That redeemed us from our sin
How we asked Jesus into our hearts
And how He willingly came in.

The angels will just stand in awe
Of how we made it through
But they will never sing our song
That's just for me, and you

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon  2000


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics