Finish Well

Finish well this race of life
Stay on the straight and narrow road.
And if you endure to the end
You can lay down your heavy load.

Remember some things that will help you along
When the race is hard to run.
Think of Paul, how he fought the good fight
Loved life as he ran and he won.

We too should love life, rejoice and be glad
In Christ we can have deep settled peace.
So run your race to finish well
And on life you'll have a new lease.

Oh to hear the words from the lips of our Lord
"Here's what I have to tell.
You've fought the good fight, you've finished the course
You've finished and you've finished well."

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon  4/11/2010


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics