
Hate is a cancer of the mind
Causing your thoughts to be way out of line
It eats away at your most inner self
And won't let you realize that you need help.

It won't leave room for love or devotion
You'd almost think it's your only emotion
It doesn't know how to forgive or forget
It will destroy, on that you can bet.

It causes you pain and so much grief
Doesn't know the meaning of relief.
Self pity, it understands and knows
That's the way hating always goes.

It dampens your spirit and drags you down
And shows ugliness all around.
It won't let you know the joy of giving
Or the beauty of just plain good living.


Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   1985


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics