In Remembrance Of You, Lord

When the Pastor read the scripture
This do, in remembrance of me.
Memories flooded my spirit
Of how you died to make me free.

I remembered when I first realized
I needed forgiveness for my sin.
And when I opened up my heart
You so lovingly came in.

I remembered who you are, Lord
I remembered how you died.
I remembered how you've comforted me
Every time I've cried.

I remembered when my heart was breaking
You said, Child come unto me.
You soothed my hurting heart
And I could rest in thee.

Now as I partake
Of the bread and of the wine.
I do it in remembrance of you, Lord
Remembering Now, and for all time.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   1/25/2008


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics