It's Not Alright

Society is accepting alternative lifestyles,
And saying it's alright.
Women with women, and men with men,
But it's not alright in God's sight.

We convince ourselves we can tell little white lies
And somehow, that's alright.
There are no white lies, lying is sin,
And it's not alright in God's sight.

Our place of employment is a company with no heart,
So if we steal from them it's alright,
But we should do everything "as unto the Lord"
And it's not alright in His sight.

Everyone knows that taxes are too high,
So to cheat a little is alright,
But God in all His mercy,
Will still say it's not alright in His sight.

We need to remember that right is right,
And sinning is never alright.
We should go to God's word and see what He says,
Sin is never alright in His sight.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   9/1/2003


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics