
God and I are a majority
No matter how many oppose.
Because He gave His life for me
And then from the grave He arose.

If I'm lonely, He's there for me
Or if my finances are low.
I know I can always depend on Him
As in prayer to Him I go.

No matter who tries to bring me down
If God is on my side.
The two of us can fight the world
Because the majority will always decide.

He fights my battles, He calms my storms
When I stay close to Him.
There's nothing God and I can't do
When I keep my faith in Him.

He'll be the majority with you too
If on Him you will depend.
Give Him your heart and you will see
The majority will always win.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   4/25/2010


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics