Mender Of Broken Hearts

I know the mender of broken hearts
He died that I might live.
The redeemer and keeper of my heart and soul
My heart
, I'm now able to give.

Will someone break this heart of mine?
In this world I'm sure they will.
More than once it's been torn apart
I assure you, A broken heart can heal.

I've heard that a word, once is said
Cannot be taken back again.
And in the same way a broken heart
To mend is a wish thought in vain.

I beg to differ, no insult is meant
But I've had my heart broken in two
But God in His mercy and grace He gave
A heart that was brand new.

The mender of hearts that are broken in two
Is the same one that saved me from sin.
So don't ever think that your broken heart
Is more than He can mend.


Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   2012


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics