Resting Place

Have you found your resting place?
I'm so happy that I've found mine.
The day I gave my heart to Jesus
His sweet peace and rest I did find.

It's not in sports or reading a book
It's not in a bottle of beer.
But the only true rest you'll ever find
Is when you know Jesus is near.

It's not at your therapist's office
Not at your mama's knee.
It's the place where you meet Jesus
And say come into my heart, Jesus please.

It's not in laying on your bed
Or even six feet beneath the ground.
Your resting place is in Jesus
If you're really heaven bound.

The only real peace and rest you will find
Is at the foot of that old rugged cross.
That's where you can rest in Jesus
And know that your soul won't be lost.

I've found my resting place in Him
You can find yours too.
Just give your heart to Jesus 
He'll always see you through.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   2/8/2006


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics