Suffer For Him

It's not always easy when slapped in the face
To just sit down and take our place.

But the Bible says turn the other cheek
To be humble, mild and meek

If we're treated unjustly when we've done no wrong
We have to remember, God is still on His throne.

He will fight our battles and make all the wrongs right
When we as His children refuse to fight.

The grace of God has been given to us
To make us strong and leave the battles to Jesus.

We serve Him sometimes with suffering and with pain
So Jesus can be seen in us and His death not be in vain.

To not fight to prove a point is not weakness at all
But to cause a sinner to hear His call.

Our Lord didn't ask us to do what He didn't in that place
They beat and cursed Him and spit in His face.

He is our example of how we should act
We can suffer for Him, He always has our back.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   12/10/2008


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics