The One Gone Astray

The ninety and nine are so precious to Him
But that one gone astray, even more.
For the ninety and nine can rest in the fold
But the one gone astray needs the door.

I am the door, the Good Shepherd said
Only by Him can you enter in.
Pray for the who is on the wide path
Who is traveling the road of sin.

We were that one, when the Shepherd found us
So to Him we will give all our praise.
And help to find that one gone astray
When he's found, holy hands we will raise.

Thanks to the Good Shepherd for being the door
For all who have gone astray.
May we always remember, and never forget
The Good Shepherd is the only way.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   7/20/2010


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics