The Ultimate Gift

God gave for us His precious Son
On a cross He died for you and me.
Blood mingled with the grass below
A mixture of red and green.

What more could He do for a world lost in sin
But to give His very best.
The only thing that could save us
Was the blood of His Son, no less!

Willingly He went to that old rugged cross
Where He laid down His life that day.
The only thing that was good enough
To save us from our evil way.

Jesus, The Father's precious Son
Was the Ultimate Gift to us.
But we must accept Him and let Him in
And place in Him our trust.

Then the light of the world will shine in us
Brightly for all to see.
Millions of stars in a sky of blue
Could not shine as brightly as He.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   12/13/2008


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics