This Old Earth Is Groaning

This old earth is groaning
I can hear it in the wind
God has been so patient
But there's just been too much sin.

It's there in storms, I hear it
In floods and hurricanes
It seems this whole wide world
Has slowly gone insane.

How long can He turn His head
And wink at our evil way
I'm sure the time is coming soon
It will be a horrible day.

When God the Father says to His Son
Enough! I've taken all I can
Go and bring your children home
So I can destroy the land.

This old earth is groaning,
Can you hear it too?
Make sure your heart is ready
He's coming for me and you.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   7/21/2008


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics