Trouble's A Coming

Trouble's a coming across this land.
Wrath is coming from God's own hand.
Sinner why won't you listen, why won't you hear
Why won't you realize that the end is near?

Trouble's a coming, It's not a light thing
The wrath of God, The Almighty King.
We've been given so much, of God's Holy Word
Has it been accepted, has it even been heard?

When death comes a calling, that grip on you is tight
You hear the doctor saying, you won't make it through the night.
Do you have a stronghold, will Jesus take you home
Or have you done things your way and come down to death alone?

Yes, trouble's a coming, be sure you know it's true
Give your heart to Jesus, let Him save you.
Do it while it's day, don't wait until the night
So you can be ready, to make that heavenly flight.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon    6/2005


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics