Upward Drawing

I felt an upward drawing
As I looked up to the sky.
What a thrill to know "He's Coming!"
In the not too distant by and by.

My love for Him was so intense
My heart was filled with joy.
I couldn't help but look to the sky
And shout .. "Well Glory!"

I thought for a moment that this was it
He would appear on a cloud so high.
It was enough to make my spirit soar
I wanted to take wings and fly.

Up and up till I could see His face
And thank Him for joy without end.
No greater love has any man
But to give his life for His friend.

That's the Jesus I know and love
He gave his life for me.
One day the rapture will take place
And then His face I'll see.

Copyright:  Carrie Kinyon   3/8/2012


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This  Set Of Graphics were made for me  by: Graphics By: Dot
Thank you Dot for these beautiful graphics