

We've grown so close, over the years
There've been happy times, there've been some tears.
But you stand beside me when things get rough.
Your love sees me through, it's always enough.

When others stand in judgment and put me down.
You speak words of encouragement, I love the sound.
When I go somewhere to lend a helping hand.
You're my support, when for right I take a stand.

God so graciously brought us together, I'm so thankful, aren't you?
I can't imagine life with out you, can't imagine what I'd do.
I thank God every day for your sweet love, for sending you to me.
And Together, I know we can be all that He wants us to be.

Today is your birthday and special, I want to make it.
All I can give is me, so here's my hand, please take it.
We'll walk through life together, we'll share our hopes and dreams.
But after all is said and done, isn't that what love really means?

Happy Birthday My Love.  God bless you.


by Carrie Kinyon  


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