I Remember


I Remember

It will soon be your birthday
And my mind wanders back in time.
Of all the Mother's God created
I'm so thankful you were mine.

As the years since you went home
Passes by so very fast
Your memory lingers on
They will forever last.

I remember your smile
As you lifted your voice in praise.
I remember the poems you wrote
I treasure them, every page.

I remember your arms around me
When I was feeling low
How you comforted me so gently
Your love to me to show.

Yes, God never created another
So precious, kind and sweet.
As Mothers go, I'll always know
You just couldn't be beat.

In memory of my sweet Mother.
Born in February 1910
Went home 12/13/1993

Written by: Carrie Kinyon 2/16/2015



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