When Friendship Ends


When friendship ends, there's sadness and pain
It's like going from sunshine, into the rain.
There's a void in your heart, impossible to fill
You'll grieve the loss and you always will.

When two people are different, and can't come to terms
And try as we may, we just couldn't learn
To put aside differences, and just be a friend
That will cause a friendship to surely end.

Sad, though it may be, memories are great
All the times together, when we just sat and ate.
Memories of walking or just having lunch
Makes me remember that I loved you so much.

Please don't be bitter or try to place blame
It's evident to see, our thoughts aren't the same.
But our friendship was great, our memories forever
I could never forget you, No not ever.

For a beautiful friend, how sorry I am that it couldn't last.

Copyright By: Carrie Kinyon  12/20/2005   

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