Chapter 8 (conclusion)

Always Keep God First, 
And Never Let The Romance Die.

Nancy Lou and Margie Sue grew to be lovely young women.  Nancy Lou inherited her mother's love of the piano and Margie Sue wanted to attend seminary, like dad.  Nancy's young man loved her piano playing and they sang so beautifully together.  A team, just like her mom and dad, they would go far in their music ministry.  They were only 19 years old but they felt like they had been in love forever.  

Margie Sue met her young man in school.  Both of them so loved the Lord and wanted to serve in a foreign mission field.  There was a definite calling on both the girl's lives and God brought the right man into their lives at just the right time.  When they announced to mom and dad that they wanted to get married, emotions ran high.  They wanted to keep their girls at home with them forever but they remembered how it was with them at that age.  How deeply they loved each other at a tender young age, and God had blessed them through the years with a wonderful marriage, two beautiful daughters and a ministry that reached thousands of souls for Christ each year.  Now He was about to add two sons-in-law to the blessings they already had. They knew these young men would fit right in.

A double wedding was announced.  The grand mothers were in all their glory.  The girls knew they had done much of the planning for their parents wedding and they wanted to include them.  

It was another beautiful day in May, and just before the ceremony was to begin, Mary Ann spent a few minutes with the girls, giving them one last bit of advice.  "Girls, just as my mom prayed for me from the day of my birth that He would place the right man in my life at just the right time, I've prayed for you both, that God would direct your paths and bring the men into your lives that is His perfect mate for you.  Just as surely as He answered my mom's prayers, I believe He has answered mine.  Now I'm going to give you both the secret to a happy marriage.  It's really very simple and so easy to do.  Just always remember to keep God first in your lives, and never let the romance die in your marriage."

At the same time Jason was talking to the guys.  "Son's, I've come to know you both, and I'm  very happy that you are going to be part of the family.  Mary Ann and I have practiced something over the years that has proved to be the secret of a good marriage.  If you will allow me, I'd like to share it with you now, a wise person once said that when romance begins to die, so does the marriage.  So I give you this advice,  Always keep God first and never let the romance die."

The End   

© Carrie Kinyon 5/16/2005

Title Page
