Searching For Sarah

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Jesus told Sarah, "Honey, it's time for you to go back now to your mommy and daddy.  They are so worried about you and they miss you so much.  And you know Sarah, there's a lot that you have to do as you grow up.  Just always know that when you're in pain or when you are afraid, I am as close to you as your own heart, because I live there and will always live there, as long as you love me and want me there.

You will feel some pain as you go back to your mommy and daddy, but there are some good doctors and nurse that will take good care of you so don't be afraid, everything is okay."

Sarah begin to open her eyes and with a bit of a slurred speech, she said, "Mommy, are you there?  Daddy?"   "Yes, honey, we're here, we've never left you for a moment."  "Mommy, I hurt, where is Jesus?  He took good care of me, I want Jesus."

Ruth and Sam just looked at each other and smiled, they knew their baby had been in good hands and He had brought her back to them.  They called a nurse who came and administered some pain medication, and soon she closed her eyes in a restful sleep.  Only then would either parent consider leaving the room.  They knew she would be okay now.  

The nurse told them that she would sleep for several hours and it would be a good time for them to get out of the room for a while and get something to eat and stretch their legs.  They took her advice and left for home, where they enjoyed a hot shower and change of clothes and a good meal.  They spent time with the other children and rejoiced that their Sarah was going to be okay.

During the two weeks that followed, they took turns staying with Sarah in the hospital at night.  Grandmother took her turn with Ruth and Sam so that she was never alone at night.  Often in her sleep, they would hear her talking to someone.  They strained to hear what she was saying but never could quite make out the words.  But Sarah was talking to the one that brought her through the ordeal of being lost in the mountain.  She knew she would never forget the time she spent with Jesus.

It would be several years before anyone knew just what went on in Sarah's time in the mountains that night.  She grew up with such a love in her heart for Jesus.  There was a wonderful love in her and a glow about her.  She was destined to do something great for the Lord.  She studied her Bible every day and had a very personal relationship with Jesus.

Sarah made very good grades all through school and went to Bible college.  She wanted to do something worthwhile in her life, something that would count for something and glorify her Lord.

In her last year of school, she met the man she would marry.  He was the first person she had told all that had happened that night so long ago.  Even though she had been young, she remembered as if it was yesterday.  He told her she should share that story with the world.  So the idea of a book was born.

She began making notes with every memory that came into her mind.  And soon the manuscript was sent to the publishers.  At first they didn't seem interested but then it was shown to someone there that said, "This will be a great human interest story, maybe even a movie could come out of this.  I think we should do it."  There was some question about the title of the book but Sarah stood firm on that.  The book is called Searching For Sarah.  All the headlines had read Searching For Sarah, the words were on thousands of minds and in many thousands of prayers, God we're searching for Sarah, please help us find her.  So Searching For Sarah it was.

Sarah and Eugene got married and left for India where they served in a mission there for several years.  On their return home they found that the book had been a best seller and they had arranged to have all the money from the book to go to a foundation for finding lost children.

This was a story that would be long remembered by Sarah's family.  As they each read the book, they were amazed and so thankful to God for all He had done for their Sarah.  Now Mom and Dad understood more of Sarah's reaction in the hospital that day she came out of the coma and all the times she talked in her sleep.  They knew now that she was talking to Jesus.

Many lives were changed because of Sarah and her relationship with Jesus, as she told her story time and time again, she made people realize they didn't have to feel alone or afraid, that Jesus would live in their hearts if they would only accept Him as their Savior and invite him to come into their hearts and lives.  Her message was, "He will never leave you or forsake you."  She knew that first hand.  And it showed as she talked to people.

Never was a Mom and Dad more proud of their children as Sarah's parents.  

The End.