Chapter 6

Two Bundles Of Joy


 Mary Ann turned thirty and realized that if they were going to have a family it was time.  Both she and JJ wanted children but they had been so busy in the ministry that they felt they might not be able to give enough time to raising a family.  Mary Ann's arms just ached to hold a baby of her own.  God blessed them with not one but two babies, yes identical twin girls.  Mary Ann had to take some time away from the ministry in order to stay healthy and have healthy babies.  She was so glad that night when labor pains woke her up.  Oh, but the pain was like nothing she'd ever even thought about.  Her delivery was difficult because she was such a small woman.  Her last two months had been spent in bed rest so she was anxious to get these babies out and start getting out and about again.  She had missed working with JJ and she missed being in church.

Nancy and Margie took turns staying with her to make sure she stayed in bed.  Those two were so happy to be grandmothers, you'd almost think it was their babies.  Well, it was their baby's babies and they were such a help to Mary Ann.  She'd need them to teach her about raising kids.  One thing she already knew, she and Jason would always teach them the love of Jesus, they would always make sure they knew the secret to a happy life was to always keep God first.

They named the girls Nancy Lou and Margi Sue, after their grandmothers.  What proud grandmothers they were.  As the twins grew they were beautiful, healthy girls.  Every year, after they were about 6 years old, they would spend a week with Nancy and one with Paul and Margie.  They would get so excited about their time with their grandparents, but they were also really happy to see mommy and daddy again when the week was over.  Those girls had so much love in their lives.  They gave their hearts to the Lord at an early age and loved being a part of the Jamison Family Ministry.

Every year Pastor Jackson invited the family to come and  minister in a  Spring revival.  How they looked forward to going back and seeing how the youth group changed over the years.  The ones that had been in their ministry had now grown up and some had started families of their own but every year they would come from near and far to that Spring revival.  It was like a family reunion for them.

When the girls were ten years old, Mary Ann noticed that it was getting hard for her to keep up with them.  She had given them a birthday party with all their classmates.  They had ice cream and cake and there was a clown to entertain the children.  They had such fun, they just kept thanking mommy and daddy for their party.  But mommy was so tired she had to force herself to put one foot in front of the other.  Finally they were tucked in for the night, prayers all said, good night kisses and hugs all taken care of.  Back in the living room Mary Ann just sank down into the lounge chair and told Jason she'd clean up tomorrow.  That worried him because in all their years together he didn't ever remember her leaving a dirty dish in the sink all night.  He knew it was a job to keep up with two active ten year olds but this was too extreme.  He immediately went into his prayer closet.

"God, you know how much I love Mary Ann, and how much the girls and I need her.  I sense something very wrong and I don't mind telling you, Lord, it scares me.  I'm putting my precious wife into your hands right now.  You made these bodies and you know how to keep them healthy and strong.  I'm trusting you Father God, In Jesus name, to take control of this situation.  Heal my wife of what ever is causing her exhaustion.  Heal her and make her whole.  And thank you Lord for all your mercy and grace, for blessing us with these years of marriage and our beautiful girls, you've been so good to us and we are so un-deserving, but by the blood of Jesus, the stripes he took on his back, I know healing is going to take place, help me to stay strong and keep my faith strong.  Work this out Lord, I give it to you, In Jesus name, Amen.

