Searching For Sarah

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The night was cold and windy, it seems a little Halloween-like with the tree limbs resembling huge black shadows of monsters.  In the little girls mind, that's exactly what they were.  Monsters trying to take her away someplace where she'd never see her mommy and daddy again.  She was so afraid she could hardly breathe.  She had wandered out in the late afternoon and lost her way.  It was beginning to get dark and she started for home thinking, Mommy will be so upset with me.  She had no idea of how worried Mommy and Daddy really were, and how many people were out looking for her.

It was a little town in WV where the mountains were more dense the farther you went.  The house was on the side of the mountain and the children were used to playing pretty much where they wanted, within a certain distance from the house.  But today Grandma and Grandpa were there visiting and no one noticed that little Sarah wasn't there.  Knowing she always came home after a time of playing, it didn't occur to them that she might not come home as usual.

She had found some pretty flowers and began picking a bouquet for her mommy and didn't realize how long it had been.  Suddenly it was getting dark and she knew she had to get home but as she turned around, first in one direction, then another, she said out loud, "Which way is home?"  She started to be afraid and tears began to flow down her little cheeks.  She knew she was lost.  At first she just sat down on a big flat rock and cried and cried, but she knew that would not help her to find her way home.  She started out again, snagging her shirt, it tore and she knew mommy would be upset with her for ruining her good shirt.  

It got darker, and the mountains, to a little girl in the night can be so scary.  Every noise terrified her and besides that, it was getting colder now that the sun had gone down.  She thought surely one of the monsters that live in the mountains would get her and take her deep into the forest where she would never see her mommy and daddy again.  She kept looking behind her and the tree limbs leaning close to the ground began to look like giants and she felt so small and helpless.  She felt like she had walked a hundred miles.  She was getting so tired that she could hardly put one foot in front of the other.  She had cried until she could cry no more and she was chilled to the bone.

She remembered something her Sunday School teacher had said so many times.  "Jesus loves you and any time you need Him all you have to do is pray and He is right there in your heart and He will hear you and help you."  She wondered if Jesus might help her now.  She was only a little girl, But she had that Child's Faith that we so often speak of.  It's so easy for a child to believe.  When you tell them to ask Jesus to come into their hearts, and they do, then He is living there in their hearts and to them, it is so real and they just accept it.  She remembered that she had asked Jesus to come into her heart when she was 6, only a year ago. When she remembered He was right there in her heart.  Then she wasn't as afraid.  She just started talking to Him as if he was walking right beside her.  And of course He was.

"Jesus, do you think Mommy and Daddy are mad at me?"  Would you maybe tell them it wasn't my fault?  You know Jesus, I didn't really know how late it was, and when it started getting dark, I really did try to find my way home.  Oh I hope they will understand."

It seemed as if she just felt in her heart that Jesus was telling her that every thing would be okay, she felt at peace now and as she stumbled upon a little lean to that someone had built and had put hay inside she thought this would be a good place to sleep a while, she was so tired and her little body had scratches where she'd ran into tree limbs.  And bruises where she'd stumbled in the dark over rocks and fell a few times.  But she wasn't afraid, Jesus was with her.  

She fell asleep in the hay and it got colder through the night and a light mist began to fall making it even colder.  She was unaware of what was happening all around that mountain community as she lay there sleeping, warm in the love and protection of Jesus.

It was October and the weather is so unpredictable that time of year.  It was warm when she had started out playing in the yard.  She had on jeans and a tee shirt but she was sleeping so soundly that the cold didn't seem to bother her.  She was dreaming of walking along a beautiful path around a lake with Jesus holding her hand.  He was talking to her in a soft and low voice and she felt so safe and wonderful.  As they talked, she asked Him if this was what it would be like in heaven and He told her that it was much this way.  That He would always be there for her to walk with or to talk to anytime she wanted and that in heaven she would always be warm and happy and would never be lost or afraid.   She began to run and he ran with her and when she wanted to skip pebbles across the water He skipped a few of his own.  He told her, "This reminds me of a story in the Bible,  When young David used small stones like this and a slingshot to kill the big, mean old giant."  She listened so intently to Him as He talked to her.  She was unaware that her body was getting so very cold and she was in much danger.  To her she was just there with Jesus, running and skipping pebbles and talking and having a wonderful time. 

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