Searching For Sarah

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It was beginning to get chilly and Ruth said, "Timmy, get Sarah's sweater and take it out to her, she must be getting cold, and tell her she has half an hour then she has to come inside."  Sarah's older brother was an obedient child and without a thought just picked up his sister's sweater and started out the door.  It wasn't long until he was yelling, "Mom, Dad, come here, hurry, I can't find Sarah!"  Not only Mom and Dad but every one there came running out of the house, they spread out in the edge of the woods, thinking surely she was close enough that one of them would see her, they begin calling out her name, and there was no reply.  Panic began to set in, especially with Ruth, mother's are usually the first to panic when it comes to her children.  She wanted to call 911 immediately but Sam said, "Now honey, wait a little while, she'll show up.  The whole family is out searching, how far could she of gone, she knows she isn't allowed to go into the woods, she's just gotten excited about a butterfly or some wild flowers or something that got her mind off of home but she'll turn up.  Just try to be patient."

They waited a while and others began to talk of calling 911. It was really getting closer to being dark and the temperature was dropping.  Soon every one gathered back at the house to decide what to do.  First thing, Sam called the local police department and they were there within minutes, then neighbors began to show up, within the hour there was a TV camera and crew covering the story.  "Searching For Sarah."

So many people were there that the police had to organize the search in shifts.  People came from communities all around the area.  They searched in 2 hour shifts, then came back to the camp that had been set up for them.  While they had hot coffee and soup, another shift would go out, and so on, for several hours. 

Some women in the community had set up tables and had hot coffee and soup for the people that were helping.  It was heard said by one of the women serving, "It's times like this that you know there are still some good people in this world."  They began to ask who wanted to join in with them in prayer,  A circle was formed with clasped hands and prayers began.  Others joined in the circle until there was too many for a circle so some were inside the circle and some outside the circle, some were holding hands, some were hugging each other, crying out to God to keep the little girl safe and let her be found quickly. 

The TV anchor woman had asked that everyone under the sound of her voice to please say a prayer for Sarah and her family.  So hundreds of prayers bombarded the throne of God on Sarah's behalf.  

As the search went on, what seemed like an eternity to Sarah's family....  Jesus was still walking and talking with Sarah.  They were looking at beautiful ripples in the water and Sarah was laughing and happy, she'd never known such excitement in her young life.  As much fun as it was to play with her brother Timmy and her sister, Sharon.  This far surpassed any happiness that had ever been in her life.  She didn't even think of going home then, she wanted to just stay with Jesus forever and ever.

By now it was getting near 10 o'clock at night and panic was every where.  People from other communities were gathered in churches, there were candle light vigils, Time was running out for little Sarah, if she wasn't soon found, she would die.  Surely by now hypothermia would of set in.

The police had brought in dogs and Ruth found a shirt that Sarah had worn the day before and the dogs sniffed the shirt and off they went, sniffing the ground as they went.  Emergency lights were set in place and one policeman asked to be allowed to speak to the TV  audience, he was handed a microphone and he pleaded with the people to please stop coming, there was so many there that they were hindering more than helping.  He thanked them kindly and said, "God bless you for caring so much, but please, let us do our job.  I promise you, we will do everything in our power to find Sarah."  

The crowds began to thin out, but mostly they just went home and turned on the TV and kept up the prayers for Sarah.  It was as if every one looked at this as if it were their own child.  There were so many tears shed that night.  So many well wishers.  So much of God's love so evident in the people who were trying to help.

Couples that hadn't told their children how much they loved them in a while, took time to thank God for them and several just stood in their children's bedroom doorways and watched them sleep with tears streaming down their faces out of love and thankfulness that their children were safe in bed.

It was about 11 o'clock when the news came that Sarah had been found.  Actually she hadn't been so very far into the mountains, but the lean to she had stumbled upon was not easily seen and in the dark, it was probably passed by many times over through the night of searching.  But the dogs had sniffed around that area and started barking and the searchers dared to hope.  Was it Sarah, could it really be her?  They began running in the direction of the sound of the dogs barking and sure enough, there, laying in some hay sheltered from the wind and misty rain was little Sarah,  near death.  They wrapped her in the coat of one of the searchers and brought her out of the mountains to a waiting ambulance.  Ruth and Sam got in with her along with some paramedics and rushed her to the nearest hospital.

She was still alive but hope was slim that she'd make it to the hospital. They had IV's flowing and were doing all sorts of things to her that her Mother and Dad didn't understand.  They told them, "Just keep talking to her, if she hears your voice it will help."  They kept up a conversation with their precious little girl the whole time until they got to the hospital, then she was whisked away from them.  They were left there holding onto each other and crying, partly out of thankfulness that she was still alive and partly because they were not sure she'd still be alive in the morning.

Their faith had always gotten them through every situation in their lives so they clung to that faith now.  Their only hope for Sarah was that God was taking care of her and would answer their prayers and the thousands of prayers that had reached His throne.  Little did they know just how much God really was taking care of Sarah.  So much so that He had sent his only Son, Jesus to walk with her and play with her while she lay on that bed of hay.  

When her parents could finally go into her room, the doctor told them that her body temperature had fallen much below the 95 degrees, which is a signal that hypothermia could set in.  He told them to talk to her and just try to let her feel their love and pray.  He explained to them that children lose body heat much faster than adults and she was exposed to the cold for a very long time.  He told them that she had drifted into a coma and there was just no way of knowing how long that might last, or even if she would come out of it.

As they sat by her bedside, each of them holding one of her little hands, they tried not to cry, they wanted to make sure that if she could hear them, she would hear happy sounds and she would know they were there for her and wanted her back with all their hearts.  A nurse brought in some children's books and Mom read to her.  Then Dad would talk to her about how much he loved his little princess.  

It was a long night but neither of them left her side and neither of them drifted off to sleep, not even for a moment.  Ruth's parents were at home with the other children and some relatives that had wanted to stay until they knew more of what was happening with Sarah.

Light began to peek through the blinds now and Sam opened them up to see that it was another day.  Sarah was still alive!  She had made it through the night but she lay very still and hadn't spoken a word.  But she was alive!  Their baby had made it through the night and they joined hands and knelt down by her bed to give God thanks for bringing her through the night.

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